Meditate Vancouver — Premier awakening events & classes


A rare opportunity to learn meditation from one of Eckhart Tolle's closest personal students.
Constance Kellough,
President of Namaste Publishing,

publisher of Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now and A New Earth—is offering a rare 1-day workshop...


igniting the consciousness within

Saturday, April 28th


Unity Spiritual Centre

5840 Oak Street, Van. BC

Innerbody Meditation is the method recommended by Eckhart Tolle in his New York Times #1 Bestseller, The Power of Now.  The practice—which with the proper instruction is easy to learn—awakens awareness of your personal energy field. When you come to experience that you are not just your body, but infinitely more, your ego—which comes from fear and the false beliefs in smallness and separation—begins to naturally diminish. The practice brings healing, peace, joy and a deeper connection to your true higher self.

Complete day long class—just $97.

Register before April 15th and receive a copy of The Power of Now, personally autographed by the publisher, Constance Kellough!

Course outline

Welcome and introductions

  • Many forms of meditation.  Why do we meditate?  Discussion of benefits.  
  • What is Innerbody Meditation (IM)? How does it differ from other forms of meditation?
  • The purpose and main benefits of IM.
  • Why meditation in a group with a live teacher is so powerful.

Q. What is Natural Breathing?

Activity: Natural Breathing Practice.

Q. What is Conscious Breathing?

Activity: Conscious Breathing Practice.

Activity: Setting Up to Enter IM

Guided Practice: Entering the Innerbody.  Followed by debriefing of participants’ experiences.

Q. What is stillness?

Practice: Moving from sound to silence into stillness.

  • The 5 Gateways into the NOW and explanation of how IM uses every one of them.

Activity:  Entering into Full Innerbody Meditation.

  • What to do when thoughts try to interfere with our stillness?
  • Our 5 Inner Senses and how they differ from our 5 Outer Senses.

Activity: In subgroups discuss the difference between thinking and awareness.  Subgroups report back and facilitator makes any additions.

Q. What is tension and how do we let it go during IM?

Q. What is Presence?

Exercise: Practice 1: Coming from Presence in conversation with one other person.

Q. What is the Pain-body?  

  • Participants’ experiences and challenges with the Pain-body.  
  • How to rid ourselves of the pain-body and how IM is one of the powerful aids in doing this.

Activity:  Guided meditation into full Innerbody awareness.   Facilitator to continue to augment this process.


About Constance Kellough:

Constance teaches Innerbody Meditation as taught to her by her personal spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle. 

Constance now shares this practice with others. With 20+ years of Innerbody Meditation experience, Constance leads you through the activities and processes which ignite the consciousness that has always been in the body—but rarely awakened. 

This is a rare opportunity to learn this transformational method of meditation with a master teacher. If you are serious about developing a meditation practice this is the workshop to attend.

Workshop limited to 25 students.

Complete day long class—just $97. 

Register now to avoid disappointment.

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